Seasons Composition Challenge

Thank you to all the participants who entered this composing and improvisation challenge, we received some brilliant ideas to musically reflect our changing seasons.  Everyone will receive feedback on their music from our 4 judges very soon.

The Category Winners are:

Composing a Score

Junior Winner: Ailsa MacKinnon ( marks received 36 / 40)

Adult Winner: Clare Kevis (marks received 35 / 40)

Composing an Improvisation

Junior Winner: Guthrie Wheeler (35 / 40)

Adult Winner: Clare Kevis (29 / 40)



‘Your Space Music Lessons’ have launched a brand new composing challenge on the theme of ‘SEASONS’.

The new competition will see pupils writing music inspired by any one or all four seasons, exploring the opportunities and variations the theme will unravel in music. Your Space Music Lessons have a number of budding composers who have been taking part in regular challenges, who have received valuable feedback from a panel of musicians to help develop their musical ideas. The theme of SEASONS opens up opportunities to explore different tones and contrasts in music. Entrants could reflect the idea in melody, chords, rhythmic or harmonic styles; or consider variations on a theme to represent ‘SEASONS’.

Pupils have until 31st March 2023 to produce their music in video recorded format (preferably mp4), supported by their Your Space Music teacher, and the pieces will again be judged by a selected panel.

What is an Improvisation?

To improvise is to make up something on the spot using all your musical knowledge of notes, tones, chord patterns, scales, musical styles (i.e. jazz), together with your playing techniques (intonation and expression).  It is a free flowing process without reading any music where you explore your instrument and aim to represent images in your mind.  Anything goes so you can't really make a mistake!

Things to think about:

-What keys and scales are comfortable playing in. (i.e. c major)?

-Do you want to use 3, 4 or compound time to create a certain feel for your improvisation?

-What chord patterns do you know already that you can include (if relevant)?

-How can your your melody change shape and style to contrast with each imagined section?

-How many sections you would like in your piece?

-Would like to bring back a recurring melody or motif?

What is a Written Composition?

Writing a composition and notating it is a bigger challenge.  You will need some knowledge of reading music so you can recreate your own music on the page.  You will need some manuscript or you can make use of some of the brilliant online apps for writing music including to write your score.  You may like to start by improvising and seeing what ideas can develop, or be inspired by getting out into nature and seeing if any melodies come into your head.  Then you need to work out what notes you are hearing and write them onto the manuscript.

Things to think about:

-What key signature do you want for your piece?

-What time signature?

-How many parts/ voices do you wish to write for? 

-Create a main theme or melody

-Can you make use of chord progression you know already (i.e. I IV V), can you find out other chord patterns you can try?

-How can you develop your main theme or melody? (different octaves, major or minor, extending the melody, using dynamics and musical signs and symbols to change the intonation).


Competition rules

To enter the competition you must improvise or compose a piece of music that relates to the theme of Seasons and produce a video recording of it being performed.  Your entry should include a short note telling us your name, the title of the piece, the category you wish to enter and any information you wish to tell us about the piece i.e. what it is about and what to listen out for, such as the key signature and time signature you have used.  This should be uploaded in addition to your recording or included in your written score file.


There are 2 categories:

Composing an Improvisation

-Junior - ages 6 - 15 

-Adult - ages 16+ 

Composing a Written Score 

-Junior - ages 6 - 15 

-Adult - ages 16+ 

Each will have a corresponding prize of a £25 Amazon E-Gift & a Certificate.

All entries should be in by 31st March 2023 where they will be showcased on the Your Space Music Lessons website..

All entries will be judged by the teaching team at Your Space Music Lessons and the winner from each category will receive a £25 Amazon e-giftcard and a Certificate.