The Olympics Composition Challenge saw pupils writing music inspired by the Olympics held in Paris.
The Olympics can be a rich source of inspiration for a music composition, as they encompass various themes, emotions, and cultural elements.Thank you for all your entries, our Olympic champions are:
Guthrie Wheeler: The Race
Claire Kevis: Perseverance and Resilience
Fitheach Lawless: Hurdling
Three Composition Challenge
This competition saw pupils writing music inspired by the ‘odd’ number, exploring the opportunities and new direction the theme unravelled in music.
We can now announce that the THREE Inspired compositions by Amelie Waites and Clare Kevis have won in their categories
Thank you to all the participants who entered this composing and improvisation challenge, we received some brilliant ideas to musically reflect our changing seasons.
The Category Winners are:
Composing a Score
Junior Winner: Ailsa MacKinnon ( marks received 36 / 40)
Adult Winner: Clare Kevis (marks received 35 / 40)
Composing an Improvisation
Junior Winner: Guthrie Wheeler (35 / 40)
Adult Winner: Clare Kevis (29 / 40)