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Performance Week

Bringing Music To Life!

Performance week, from 18th - 25th November 2024, is an opportunity to work towards a finished musical piece to 'performance' standard. All lessons during Performance Week will be focused on how you can best shape and bring out the mood or style of the piece in the best way. The finished recordings will be added together to create a special Your Space Music Lessons Performance Playlist.  

Online guitar lesson with Your Space Music Lessons


Performance week, from 18th - 25th November 2024, is an opportunity to work towards a finished musical piece to 'performance' standard.   All lessons during Performance Week will be focused on how you can best shape and bring out the mood or style of the piece in the best way.  The finished recordings will be added together to create a special Your Space Music Lessons Performance Playlist.  

We would like all students to work towards this goal, so here's what to do:

1. Guided by your teacher select one piece that you already know.

2. In each of your lessons leading up to Performance Week your teacher will help you develop a finished performance of your piece so that it conveys as much interest, variety and mood as possible. There may be clues in the title and  on the score!  

3.  Performance Week w/c 18th November 2024 will be your goal to deliver a polished performance of your chosen piece. You will need to have a recording device  available such as a video camera or mobile phone to record yourself performing  your piece in landscape orientation.  Please secure your recording device on a  stable surface or clamped to avoid any wobbly recording.

tristan playing the trumpet
Jack Gillett performing Banana Skins

4.During your lesson in Performance Week you should complete the finished piece and record it, with your teacher present, or shortly after the lesson if you prefer.  We ask that a local recording is made to achieve the best quality recording possible.  

5. Upload your finished recording to us using the uploader below.

6. We will then upload it to the Performance Week Playlists and they will get updated throughout the week.

Be Inspired by our previous playlists