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092019 UMF 42 45 B Monthly Payment

Welcome to Annual Lesson Plans with Your Space Music Lessons
This is your Lesson Package Description:  
-42 x 45 minute lessons with Ursula Miethe-Flores
-Total Annual Sum:  £1039.50
-Total payment is spread into 12 monthly payments of £86.62
Please note your lessons will be scheduled out on your behalf into your regular time slot.  If you delete a reservation for a holiday / break it will be rescheduled to the end of your series of lessons.  Please make a note of your payment start date as your lessons will need to be completed within 12 months of this date.


Click buy now to pay for one month of your monthly subscription, a new subscription page and link will be sent to you when prepared. 
By clicking below you have agreed to the terms and conditions as outlined in the sign up form.