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Hong Kong Students

Welcome to you in Hong Kong

Your Space Music Lessons teaches from the UK all around the world and we make a special warm welcome to you in Hong Kong.  We want to encourage you to try a taster lesson with one of our teachers and hopefully you will enjoy the experience and want to join our school.  All you need is a good internet speed (+2Mbps upload and download), access to, a laptop / large screen tablet and your instrument to take lessons.

Inspiring & Fun Music Lessons in English

Having lessons at home via high speed broadband is a fantastic way to access professional music tutors who will inspire and motivate you or your children to develop their musical skills without having to travel to lessons.  We offer tuition on piano (see video below), singing, brass, strings and woodwind.

We believe in one to one tuition rather than any pre-recorded videos clips because personal human interaction is the best way to encourage and support your child to develop their personal playing technique.  We also bring motivation and enthusiasm in bucket loads from inspiring teachers to engage children in lessons.

Though you may wonder how effective online lessons are, be assured that our pupils have successfully passed ABRSM music examinations, and this is effectively our benchmark for quality tuition.  We support our teachers with regular mentoring to maintain our key objective to provide quality online music tuition.


We offer ABRSM and Trinity London Examinations

We know that children learn best by working towards milestones and regularly being rewarded for their achievements.  We also recommend that children work towards ABRSM music exams where they can be booked into their nearest local exam centre.  We teach children from beginner level up to grade 8 where they will be a very accomplished musician.  


Performance Clubs and Theme Weeks

As part of your lesson fee we provide opportunities to perform in our community events and at least 3 Performance Clubs per year and the option to participate in theme weeks, such as Performance Week where we build a playlist of pupil recorded performances.

Child/Pupil Protection and Quality Assurance

We believe that child protection online is extremely important so we take steps to DBS check every teacher, obtain an employment history and references.  For the protection of teacher and child it is our usual practice to record and privately archive all lessons.  More

Online music lessons for children

Speak to our agent in Hong Kong for Help and Guidance

As a music teacher herself Carrie Lo can guide you on how Your Space Music Lessons can assist in your learning with regular one to one online sessions with a music teacher based in the UK.  Carrie speaks in English and Cantonese and can assist in introducing you to our service.

Carrie Lo:  Music Development Consultant (Hong Hong)
Email: [email protected] 
Signal/whatsapp :(852) 54095579

大家好,我是Your Space Music Lessons (YSML) 網上音樂課程的駐港音樂教育顧問Carrie Lo,很高興可以為你們介紹英國YSML的人氣音樂課程。YSML的音樂老師有很高的音樂教育水平,豐富的網上音樂教學經驗,能操流利英語。他們可任教不同類型的管弦樂器及結他/電結他,可教授皇家音樂學院或聖三一音樂學院的一級至演奏級程度。如果你也想學音樂之餘,也想學好英文,歡迎與我們的駐港音樂教育顧問Carrie Lo隨時聯絡。YSML特設試堂優惠,而且有不同的上課組合,非常適合繁忙的香港學生。如果你有夢想過跟英國名師學習音樂的話,就不要錯過這千載難逢的機會!


Please click here to view our prices in £ Pound Sterling, payment is via Paypal and currency is converted via each transaction. We have set pricing for grades 0 - 6 and a 30% increase for grades 7 and above.


Book a taster lesson

Fill in your details and we'll get back to you to arrange a day and time for your child's taster lesson.  We look forward to meeting you!

Register for a Free Taster Lesson

What other pupils say

'It was great for me as my daughter is able to learn in the comfort of her own home.' 

'Learning a musical instrument can be very daunting but each lesson is a confidence builder and we truly appreciate the lessons'

'This is a very effective and convenient way of taking music lessons. I feared that my daughter would not respond in the same way to someone on the end of a computer, rather than in person, but I was wrong. '

'It is a fantastic idea learning from the comfort of your own home and no added stresses or worries about where to park.  Quick and friendly service'

'Lessons are really easy to arrange, and my daughter is making excellent progress with her trumpet playing thanks to Peter's patience and encouragement'