Remote Scottish Islander Launches New Music Lessons Business

Working from North Uist

Now officially launched, Your Space Music Lessons is the new more convenient and flexible choice for music tuition.  Olwen MacLeod, 39, developed the business idea from a family birthday party which linked up her family from London, Yorkshire, Staffordshire and Scotland using Skype.  This along with a piano teaching career of 20 years snowballed into a very real possibility for an island based business.

The beautiful Western Isle of North Uist has a population of 1,271 and, whilst music is knitted into the culture of the island, the prospects for physically teaching music to more than the locals were limited.  Mrs MacLeod wanted to create a window from Uist to the world 'This business gives a greater opportunity to me, and to other teachers in remote areas, and in turn we teach to those who reap the advantages of the online portal to learn.'  Working with her father, family members and other contacts she managed to secure the support and investment for the new innovative teaching business and has now launched the live service with a full booking and payment site.

Using the latest connective technology, cameras and software, Mrs Macleod is now teaching pupils all over the world from Edinburgh to Oman with other teachers now working with Olwen to supply the demand for teaching.  Quality lessons is paramount to Olwen's vision for Your Space Music Lessons, 'The equipment that all the teachers use ensures transition both ways is loud, clear, and consistent.  We also test that the internet connection is up to scratch before we allow a potential pupil to book a lesson, because I don't want to offer a poor service'. 

Teaching a piano pupil online

The online teaching platform has obvious advantages to pupils, namely the convenience of being in your own home, not having to traipse children and their siblings to teachers homes, and that lessons are recorded and archived giving peace of mind.   For Chris MacDonald who lives and works in Oman (UAE) the lessons clearly give him great pleasure, 'being taught from The Western Isles of Scotland is surreal, the sound and images are clear so there are no distractions from learning and improving.'

Olwen is optimistic for the future 'our second phase will be a roll out for other musical instruments, but for now I am hoping that people will enjoy learning the piano with us and sharing their talents through our online concerts and social media.  There are certainly exciting times ahead.'